What do we do best?

In Mr.BIM Architects Studio we want to be able to offer a wide range of services related to Architecture and the Real Estate market in Madrid and Spain. That’s why we place at our clients’ disposal the following services:


We offer students and proffesionals based in Madrid our experience in the use of especialised software for Architecture and Design. Contact us for more information about the softwares that we use and the lessons and courses that we give.


We would be pleased to put all out resources at your service to get with the perfect design and solutions that addapts best to your needs, ambitions and budget. We would like to bring to life your dreams. Contact the Mr.BIM Architects team.


We love modeling, but over all we enjoy handing in a final result in the way of a powerful image. A picture that will capture the strengths of your project. Contact us for any 3D model, renders and architectural visualization that you may need.


Are you planning a refurbishment in your flat? We love them! Our team has experience in making refurbishments of flats, kitchens, bathrooms, spare houses, businesses… We will make sure that everything goes smooth, so that together we end with the myth of the stress that is to make a refurbishment.


You would like to invest in Real Estate in Madrid or Spain, but you don not know pretty well where to start from, we look for the best place that addapts to your budget, we take care of the project and refurbishment and all the management of your investment, you will only have to check your monthly income from it.


In Mr.BIM we are trying to build up a real estate porfolio with high quality dwellings and properties , to manage them and save you from the uncomfortable parts of renting, changing tenants (either short and long stays), check-in&check-out management, cleaning… If you own a flat or any other type of dwelling that you would like to be managed, do not hesitate to contacts us.